“Our entire biological system, the brain, and the Earth itself, work on the same frequencies.”
Allergy Elimination
Everything is energy, therefore everything is made up of frequencies. Once we are looking at the dynamic truth that everything is made out of energy – frequencies – it is then easier to understand how to shift our health using frequencies.
‘Allergies’ are frequencies that are not being recognized by the body. These unrecognized frequencies cause our body to attack the foreign frequency. The apple, or which ever allergen the body is encountering, is not actually harmful to the body. The body just does not know how to accept this frequency into the body. This can be easily shifted within one bioenergetic session.
Within a bioenergetics session, we will create an energetic conversation with the body using muscle testing (applied kinesiology). If you have not experienced this before, feel free to research ‘muscle testing’ beforehand. It is a powerful way to get information from the body as to what it needs, and in a quick and efficient way. In this way, we can quickly shift things on an energetic level in the body that then shifts into the physical body. The results are phenomenal.
A bioenergetic session is perfect for any age, and is completely noninvasive and relaxing!
Duration of session: One hour
(With additional time for intake and questions afterwards)
Includes: Bioenergetic testing, bioresonance tuning with frequency tools to balance the body
Session cost: $75*
*If this session cost is not feasible with your budget and you are needing some help with your symptoms, please reach out and email me for a modification of price.
Number of sessions: Only one session is needed to balance allergic reactions
Types of allergens: Food, tree pollen, plant pollen, animal dander, indoor allergens
If any of what I have said sounds interesting, please reach out and see if a session would be a good fit for you on your path to balancing your health!