How do these tinctures heal?
Generally speaking, when you have a health symptom, it emits a low frequency in that area of the body, that then expands to your whole energetic body. Low frequencies can be balanced by using high frequencies to heal DNA, target healing on specific anatomy parts, and increase your body and spirit's emanating frequency.*
How do I take these tinctures?
We recommend taking a dropper full (about 7-10 drops), twice a day (morning and night), until the bottle is empty. Skipping a day or two will not hinder your healing, just make sure to finish the bottle to get your desired results.*
What should I use the sacred geometry grid for?
The sacred geometry grid is complementary to the healing tincture. We recommend putting it where you are taking your tincture each day, or on your nightstand, to increase the energy of the healing process. Some people even choose to put it in a small frame and additionally enjoy it.
While viewing the sacred geometry grid is not specifically needed for healing, we want to engage you in your own healing process. By showing you some of the energy tools being used to balance your body and spirit, we hope to increase the awareness of energy work and the future it has in our world. *
If you choose to part with it after your healing is complete, we encourage you to pass the knowledge along to a friend or family member!
Can I take several tinctures at once?
Yes. Any tinctures and grid kits may be used during the same timeframe, their healing frequencies only complement each other.*
Will these tinctures interfere with what I'm already taking?
The frequencies in our tinctures only promote health and balance.* They do not hinder or strain the body in the way of modern medicine. They are mild but very effective to the body.
The structured water cannot cause sickness or interfere with medications you may be taking.
Are frequencies safe?
Yes. Frequencies are in every element of our day to day lives. An apple has a specific high frequency, while your microwave uses a specific low frequency. You experience frequencies throughout your entire day, though most people are unaware. We use specific frequencies from tuning forks and crystals that are shown to aid the body in balancing various symptoms. Consuming these healing frequencies into your body is just as safe as taking a walk in nature.*
What do you mean by single use tinctures?
Our tinctures are designed to be used until they are empty, and then you will experience your results. You do not need to buy them over and over to hold your results. Depending on the balance in your life for you body and spirit, it's likely you will never need to reorder the same tincture.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. While many people encounter benefits to health and well-being, crystals and frequencies are not recommended as a replacement for professional medical attention for serious health issues.