Structured Water Tinctures

Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.
— Albert Einstein

Structured Water Tinctures

Earth & Water Health creates frequency based remedies to help balance the elements of your emotional, mental and physical health. By utilizing water memory and specific healing frequencies, we are able to download frequencies into the water and create structured water to balance the flow of energy through the meridians and restore health in areas of energetic disturbance in the body with single use tinctures. The frequencies put into the water are then held between the carbon bonds of the water.

If you are interested in having a microcurrent energetic test done before and after taking this tincture to better show you the results and capabilities of structured water tinctures, please reach out and we will book you a session to come in for testing. Otherwise, the tinctures are available below for shipping directly to you!

If structured water interests you for researching further, I highly recommend looking into cymatics. Cymatics shows sound made visible! What does that mean? That means when a frequency is put into water, a form or structure is created unique to each frequency; and the structure presents in sacred geometry forms. This study of cymatics helps one understand what is downloaded into structured water tinctures: Healing frequencies with non-invasive delivery to the body. Only water and healing frequencies.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. While many people encounter benefits to health and well-being, frequencies are not recommended as a replacement for professional medical attention for serious health issues.